Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Extra Credit Big XII

After spending quite a bit of time researching schools in the Big XII that have race-based admissions, I only found a few.

The University of Texas does ask for your ethnicity on the application.
The University of Kansas does not affect your admission, but filling it out is optional.
The University of Colorado says that it is optional to check the box as well.
The University of Missouri is optional for ethnicity and for gender as well.
The University of Texas was also optional.
Kansas State University did require the applicant to give ethnic information.
Oklahoma State University does not require ethnic or gender information.

Those were the only schools I could find race-based admission information on. To be honest, I'm glad OU does not have information online about whether or not were are race-based. I think that one's race or gender should have nothing to do with admission. Schools should accept students based on their applications, involvement and grades, not on the color of their skin. I think it would be disrespectful to a lot of people to admit people into a school simply on the color of their skin. I am happy that all but one of the schools I found information on were not race-based admission colleges. I hope that is because America is working towards a more accepting society. 


  1. Asking information does not mean they use race as a criteria for admissions.

  2. I am glad you were able to do the research on this because I did not have the time with work and other classes to get to research it myself. I think it is really great that universities in the Big XII allow you to put down your race or ethnicity as an option. I am currently applying to law schools all across the country and as I did my applications I kept our discussions from class about admissions in mind. I actually found that on a majority of my law school applications they consider those factors optional and do not make you state your race.
